answer to someoneの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. Her complaint turned out to be the answer to someone's prayer.
  2. "` Everybody has to answer to someone,'they'd tell me ."
  3. I added a few more ideas in answer to someone who asked, like how it might look.
  4. Omari Walker is a player on the team like I am, and obviously, he has to answer to someone,
  5. And you are less likely to do something wrong when you know you're going to have to answer to someone else.


  1. "answer to job"の例文
  2. "answer to no one"の例文
  3. "answer to our life"の例文
  4. "answer to prayer"の例文
  5. "answer to reset"の例文
  6. "answer to the complaint"の例文
  7. "answer to the demand"の例文
  8. "answer to the description"の例文
  9. "answer to the master"の例文
  10. "answer to the name of"の例文
  11. "answer to prayer"の例文
  12. "answer to reset"の例文
  13. "answer to the complaint"の例文
  14. "answer to the demand"の例文

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